Even before the economic downturn, visiting Israel as a family became more economically viable than sending the kids to summer camp. Over the past decade we Israelis witnessed an influx of American families touring our wonderful terrain and making travel to Israel a summer practice. What a wonderful way to celebrate the summer!
Not feasible this year? Here’s the next best thing to bringing your kids over. Watch this trailer for my new book shown above, Zvuvi’s Israel. This playful 32 page book, gorgeously illustrated by Ksenia Topaz, is a “fly’s eye” view of the entire country. The name Zvuvi comes from the Hebrew word Zvuv, which means fly. That means you and your family can see Israel on the fly, whenever you want. Join Zvuvi as he flits from place to place, playing hide-‘n-seek with the reader while he gives you the latest buzz about each site.
You are planning to fly over? Then Zvuvi is the perfect travel companion for your kids and/or grandchildren, ages 3-8. It’s the best way to help kids get excited about touring Israel.
Not bringing the children with you? Give them Zvuvi’s Israel as a gift when you return, showing them all the places you’ve seen. And of course, there's also your school library or classroom, plus other educational institutions that could use fun and informative material on Israel for the younger set.
Come August, Zvuvi’s Israel will be available in Judaica shops and book stores. Right now, you can purchase it online by visiting Kar-Ben’s on-line bookstore.When you do, don’t forget to take advantage of Kar-Ben’s exclusive offer to TAMI LEHMAN-WILZIG KIDS BOOKS readers: 10% off your next order! Use coupon code TAMI when checking out. Offer expires August 10, 2009. One use per customer. Offer not valid with any other discounts.
Enjoy Zvuvi and enjoy Israel!